Yet Another NDAA Post

 Yet Another NDAA Post

I still cannot come to grips with the fact that ALL Americans are not up in arms over the passage of NDAA 2012, or as it will come to be known in the future, the American Enabling Act.

We just passed the point of no return. Our corrupt, bought and paid for government now has the broad power to arrest and detain anyone it even THINKS may be involved in ambiguously named “belligerent acts”, without the right to trial or counsel.

Does everyone reading this article comprehend this?

The Bill of Rights NO LONGER EXISTS.

America is now on the same playing field as Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and numerous other brutal dictatorships throughout history.

“But wait,” you say, “this isn’t a dictatorship. We have elections.”

One need look no further than the election of 2008 to see how little our elections mean. We went right from one incompetent boob in GWB to another corporate/military-industrial complex stooge in Obama.

Look at their policies, there is literally no difference between them. They both expanded the size and reach of the federal government to insane proportions, all the while systematically eroding the rights of American citizens.

The populace has been conditioned to expect and accept random searches, state-sponsored assassination of American citizens, and endless regulations about what people can put into their own bodies. If the GOP nominee in 2012 is not Ron Paul, and sadly, it looks like the state-sponsored media has all but assured that he will not, then we are doomed to continue the same cycle of war, debt, and increasing dependence on the federal government by an increasing number of people.

Our electoral choices are so poor, South Park (the single best place for social satire in America) made an aptly entitled episode about it called “Douche and Turd.”

You can watch the full episode, legally, here.

Another issue happening concurrently, which again, perilously few people are concerned about, is the increasing militarization of our police forces. Why are police forces all over the country being provided, with federal dollars, military grade weaponry?

I’ll give you a hint: it won’t be used against a foreign enemy.

The transformation from democratic republic to all-out police state is all but complete. Will the American people, who have been collectively dumbed down by brainwashing in public schools, sedated with scads of anti-depressants and reality TV, and fattened with processed “food” be able to wake up and shake the chains off of their oppressors?

I am somewhat heartened by the youth of the country,  including the main contributors to this site, appear to be able to see through the “Matrix” and realize whats going on around them.

I realize some of you may be rolling your eyes and thinking “Why doesn’t he write about something else?”

I will continue to rail against the loss of freedoms until my dying breath.

I take the saying “Give me liberty or give me death” very seriously.

It is my hope that if you are reading this, then you do, too.

Yours in Liberty,

@phdinweed @Zazenlife

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